Saturday, February 05, 2005

The Day of the Party

The day finally came for Mealani. Her first big birthday party. I am pretty sure she was excited ... she had her Barbie themed party all planned out and was ready to go at 9am. We had some final arrangements to make and some decorating to do. Finished everything with about ten minutes to spare before Megumi and her dad showed around 12pm. Mom, Auntie Eva, and several other family members were cooking and preparing food. I was running around while the rest of the parents showed up to either drop off their kids or stayed to enjoy the food we had prepared.

And boy let me tell you there was quite a bit of food going on. Take a look at the pics and you will see what I am talking about when I said we had some good food: Currie, egg rolls, shish kabob and pizza.

Well here are the girls that Mealani invited to her birthday party. It was the beginning to a very tiring day.

Well here is some yummy food that we had at Mealani's birthday. Let me tell you ... thanks to everyone who helped out.

Ok line up girls time to eat lunch. Let's see head count time. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Here are the girls after they lined up for the lunch line.Come one girls eat your food.

Finally Mealani spending some time with daddy. Daddy is still fired up at this time but later on that energy is burned out.

Ok girls pin the tail on the donkey ... so lets sit in a circle.

Ok here goes Alexis ... how close was she? Well tails don't grow on donkey heads so better luck next time.

Kira and Mealani ... like old buds.

Time to open presents - come on Mealani.

Mealani and the Barbie birthday cake. She sure likes Barbie as all her presents were Barbie things.

And there you go ... Mealani blows out the candles.

Mealani and Jennifer anfter we cut the cake.

Here the little kids are having some ice cream cake.

Grandma and Mealani together. What a long day and thanks to grandma for cooking all the food.

Look at the Barbie dress. Thanks Vanessa for the nice curly hair.

Grandma, Auntie Eva, Auntie Yen, and Mealani ...

One last picture before everyone leaves.

Auntie Jen looking silly ...

Vanessa and Jen taking some pics.

Hey Lulu ... come with me. Be my valentine ...

Auntie Jen's celebrates her birthday. Born on 2/14 Valentines day.

Ok the last of the night. Vanessa and Mealani enjoying some more cake.

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