Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Phone Call - Who Could It Be?

Well today I was surprised to receive a phone call from a number I did not recognize so I answered "This is Alan speaking" Turns out it was one of the parents from Mealani's class. They were RSVPing for Mealani's birthday party which is good as I was worried that maybe not enough people would show up. Its sort of hectic when you do not know the parents that well so you cannot just ask them ... is your daughter coming to the birthday party. But boy it puts me back into the position of preparing for the birthday party. I want her to have a good time so I need to think about activities for the kids to do while they are there for three hours. I was thinking games likes pin the tail and musical chairs. That means I need to go shopping for prizes too ... too bad KB Toystore is already close. I could have purchased several more toy items or Barbies or something as prizes. Well I guess tomorrow at lunch I will hit the mall and see if I can find anything.

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