Monday, July 28, 2008

The summer that began

I guess it is time to recap the last several months because so much has happened that it almost would make a good script for Days of our Lives. Many changes have occurred, in my professional life, my personal life, and my love life. Each started shifting and changing with the inclusion and removal of stimuli. Luckily in life, love, and happiness, the key to sustaining yourself begins with yourself.

To begin with, Lulu and I decided a divorce was the only option, (at least in each others eyes). It was something that was decided in clarity but yet in a haze because this most difficult of choices is not an easy one to follow through on. The decisions were made, Lulu went back to China to have the baby and get some personal peace.

My personal views of this difficult decision makes it seem that maybe I do not understand the way a relationship should function but in a way I just do. This means I am hoping for the best, plan for the worst, and continue to live life, bringing my kids up as best as I can.

So to begin with, after Lulu left for China, the time was filled with school and work. Friends and family supported me during this difficult period. Family tried to make sure that everything I did was to make sure the right decisions were made, friends made sure that I was handling everything ok. I had friends that I could count on to help me through but I had a friend who was supportive and tried to make the rough times easier. Well unfortunately through some rather bad decisions on my part, the friend who helped me through the tough times is no longer around.
I am not sure what happened, but I misunderstood a lot to loose my friend.

During the summer I drove out to Vegas and stayed at the Monte Carlo for several days. It was a fun trip. The trip was eventful with us seeing several shows like David Copperfield and Mama Mia and going out to several nice dinners. We even went to see a timeshare thing hoping to cash in but due to a technicality we were disqualified. It was my most enjoyable trip out to Vegas yet.

The last week has been tough, I have been stuck in bed with a badly sprained neck. I was on muscle relaxants and slept for basically several days. Wake up take drugs, eat, sleep, then more drugs. Finally today I was able to feel normal again.

I was lucky enough to have lunch with an old friend I have known for more than 8 years now. She worked with me back in the day at San Diego Transit. After all that we have been through, we still remain good friends. These are the types of relationships I treasure, friends that are there through thick and thin.

As I end this note, I am planning to go back to China to pickup Vince and Lulu. This way Vince will be an American Citizen and get his US passport to come back to the US. This whole summer did not go the way I had planned, the events that took place are beyond my control and even though I wish I could bend time and rollback the hands of time, I know that is not possible. I hope that one day I will mend fences, that my kids will grow up fine, and that I realize that anytime a person offers happiness to you, do not look at it with curiosity but grab it with both hands and don't let go.

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same.

The above quote is quite fitting as I end this note. Amazing the people who can leave the footprints on our hearts are not who we always expect.

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